UPDATE on Domino Designer and LibreOffice issue

In my other blog entry "Domino Designer (and Sametime) breaks..."

I wrote about the issues many had with Domino Designer V10 breaking down with fonts issues, XPages not working, Sametime looking weird etc.

After working on the issues for months I had finally nailed it down to LibreOffice 6 as being the culprit.

Just by uninstalling LibreOffice the problem went away for many which was great!

However the fix did not work for all .....including some of my installations.

Fortunately some followed my direction and comments about LibreOffice and fonts, and narrowed it further down to just being the font "Noto Sans" doing all the damages

When removed Noto Sans Notes worked correctly after a Windows restart. I removed some other Fonts installed by LibreOffice as well, but I don't think that was needed.

Thanks to Lars Berntrop-Bos, Lukas Malina and others for the great work on following up and commenting to blog entry.

Noto Sans was added in LibreOffice from version 6.0 on and also note that OpenSans is removed in the installation process by LibreOffice 6

See https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Fonts

Now it is up to HCL to dive in and find the real cause and fix the issues for good..

Posted on 05/14/2019 09:43:47 PM CEDT